Litany of St. Gerasimos – Kefalonia, Omala

An Archieratic Liturgy is held on Saint Gerasimos Day followed by a Litany which is attended by clergy, nuns, monks, officials and thousands of Christians. The procession, which is accompanied by bands, an army honor corp, and boy scouts, ends up at the large plane tree when a prayer is chanted.
The Metropolitan delivers a speech and the procession returns to the church where the public continues to worship the Sacred Relic. The Saint’s Sacred Relic is returned to the smaller church and placed back in the larnax in the afternoon. A reception complete with an official dinner is given afterwards in the Convent’s spacious Hall.
In the evening a special event in honor of Saint Gerasimos takes place in Argostoli. First, there is a litany of his icon throughout the town’s streets which ends up at the main square. A special prayer is said and the Metropolitan addresses the cogregation.
Litany of St. Gerasimos - Kefalonia, Omala
Omala Location

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